run, Hermes!

“run, Hermes!” is an illustration triptych for a graphic company based near Milan, Italy: Ermes Digital Communication.


Hermes was considered the personification of the wind, with his speed, lightness and playful mood. The myth says that after the birth, Hermes came from bands, caught a turtle, and after emptied it, added four strings to shell, creating the first lyre.
Apollo gave to Hermes a magic wand, around which were two snakes entwined gold. This rod became his main attribute and it was called the caduceus. Just because it was fast and smart, Zeus gave Hermes the herald and messenger of the gods. They had a lot of confidence in the ability and prudence with which he carried out the requests.

  • Hermes 1
    Digital Illustration about the myth of Hermes.
  • Hermes 2
    Digital Illustration about the myth of Hermes.
  • Hermes 3
    Digital Illustration about the myth of Hermes.