WALLPEPPER – TrendLine 2017 “Silk Way” – Ginkgo’s game

WALLPEPPER – Trend Line 2017.

The wall in itself has always been considered as the symbol of the human need to communicate; nowadays thanks to Wallpepper® this ancient tradition finds a new expressive dimension. This project wants to explain the interior decoration in a new mood, throught graphic and drawings that will represent the trends in the interior decoration for the upcoming season.

Wallpepper® is easy to put and to remove, is ecological and uses only certified materials environmentally friendly, needful feature of present times for any type of environment.

As the last year I’m a part of this cool italian and ecologic project.
I created some wallpapers for Wallpepper® Catalogue 2017 in the category called Silk Way.

“Not just China, not just Japan. The atmospheres of the east are weaving, they’re comprising and confusing in a line that looks at the earth of the Rising Sun. The most delicate gold, the symbols, the colors and the lines: the decorative tradition of the earth of the cherries into a modern formulation more and more. Not a simple representation of the very beloved oriental graphics but a wise use of these elements in the creation of new unexpected subjects, three-dimensional, involving beauty.”



The Salvioni Design Solution Durini show-room in the heart of Milan has chosen to prepare the FuoriSalone 2018 space with wonderful Wallpepper wallpapers. And this one too!
It was a great experience to visit this space with my Ginkgo’s Game. I’m very grateful.